Week 8 March 5 CSA

Farm Update We are going to try a new way of sharing farm updates, each person on the farm will have a week to give an update from their perspective/their position on the farm! This week is my turn (Katelyn). As most of you know I work in the office managing all...

Farm Update

Sharing a farm update, I didn’t think I was getting one to share this week so I already posted the blog so here is another post about what is going on at the farm! Our Aquaponic Greenhouse, we are waiting for our fish. Our application for our Aquaculture License...

Week 7 February 26 CSA

Happy Friday! Have a nice weekend!! Veggie Share: Leeks – Medford Farms Organic Sprouts Carrots Red Cabbage – Kilany Farms non-organic Ambrosia Apples – Noggins Peeled Squash – non organic Combo Share:  Leeks – Medford Farms Organic...

Week 6 February 19 CSA

Happy Thursday! The share list is getting posted early as I (Katelyn) am off tomorrow. I will get the fruit posted as soon as Melissa sends its. My favorite way to eat sweet potatoes is as fries either in the air fryer or roasted in the oven, served with aioli!...

Week 5 February 12 CSA

Veggie Share: Carrots Pea shoots Sweet mama squash (non-organic) Turnip Napa cabbage Combo Share: Carrots Pea shoots Sweet mama squash (non-organic) Apples Grape tomatoes Sparkling juice Meat Share: Whole chicken Fruit Share: Apples Grape tomatoes Sparkling juice...

Week 4 February 5 CSA

Recipes: Beet Burger Beet Hummus Chocolate Beet Cake Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts Brussels Sprouts with Cranberries and Pecans Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Apples and Bacon Roasted Bone-In Chicken Breasts with Vegetables Happy Friday! Have a nice weekend stay...