Farm Update

We are going to try a new way of sharing farm updates, each person on the farm will have a week to give an update from their perspective/their position on the farm!

This week is my turn (Katelyn). As most of you know I work in the office managing all things administrative! I have been working on the farm since 2016 and my role on the farm have evolved over the years. I have been busy getting our year end done, our year end is Dec 31 and Jan & Feb is when I have to make sure the books are up to date and gather all the required documents to then send off to our accountants. I really like year end because its like a fresh start, all the old files are boxed up and new files are set up! Our seasonal workers are starting to arrive back from Jamaica so there will be more activity happening. The winter months are much quieter with less staff around, it gives me a change to catch up and get things ready for the new season!

Have a nice weekend!

Veggie Share:

  • Aqua Lettuce mix (non organic)
  • Napa cabbage
  • Celeriac
  • Grape Tomatoes – Marc Schurman
  • Garlic bulb
  • TapRoot Juice

Combo Share:

  • Aqua Lettuce mix (non organic)
  • Napa cabbage
  • Celeriac

Check back on Monday for the fruit!

Meat Share:

  • Pork Chops
  • Chicken breast

Fruit Share:

  • Check back on Monday!