Farm Update

We are super busy! We are now harvesting, we are still planting our storage crops and fall/winter crops, trying to keep up with the weeds and building our new greenhouse. Josh and the farm team are also trying to make hay. We just started picking cherries today, there isn’t enough for everyone yet but soon everyone will get some! We have some really great rain, we did set up irrigation but haven’t had to use it yet.

Veggie share members, we have put in a replacement value for the peas last week to make up for the poor quality. We hope you all enjoy the delicious food! Wishing everyone a nice weekend!!

Veggie Share:

  • Swiss chard
  • Garlic scapes
  • Bunched beets
  • Snow peas (non-organic)
  • Sugar snap peas (non-organic)
  • Cabbage
  • New potatoes
  • Zucchini (non-organic)

Combo Share:

  • Garlic scapes
  • Snow peas (non-organic)
  • Sugar snap peas (non-organic)
  • Cabbage
  • Sweet cherries
  • Golden delicious apples
  • Raspberries – please note: these are a very perishable item, please pick up your box as soon as you can and put the raspberries into the fridge or freezer. They won’t keep very long.

Meat Share:

  • Pork chops
  • Bacon

Fruit Share:

  • Sweet cherries
  • Golden delicious apples
  • Raspberries – please note: these are a very perishable item, please pick up your box as soon as you can and put the raspberries into the fridge or freezer. They won’t keep very long.


Eat these peas in the pods.  They are best just after they are harvested before the sugars turn into starch.

Storage Tips

  • Use as soon as possible.  Refrigerate in a plastic bag for 3-4 days.  Storing peas will cause them to lose some of their sweetness and crispness.

Culinary Tips

  • Snap peas need stringing.  Snap of the stem tip and pull downward to remove the string
  • Cook quickly, no more than 2 minutes.  Add butter or serve plain.
  • Add to stir fries or chilled marinated vinaigrette style salads.


Swiss Chard is harvested as a green, leafy vegetable.  Swiss Chard is in the spinach family.

Storage Tips

  • Place chard in a plastic bag in the hydrator drawer of the refrigerator.
  • Chard is best if eaten within 5 days.

Cooking Tips

  • If leaves are large & mature, remove the stem to cook separately.
  • If the greens are young, cook whole.
  • Use in place of spinach in most recipes.
  • Saute the leaves in garlic butter or olive oil & garlic.
  • Steam large stem pieces for 8-10 min. & leaves for 4-6 min.
  • Raw baby leaves are great in green salads.
  • Toss steamed leaves with olive oil, lemon juice, salt & pepper. OR with seasame oil, rice vinegar or soy sauce.


Storage Tips

  • Zucchini dehydrates quickly. Store in the hydrator drawer of your fridge for a few days.

Culinary Tips

  • Try raw zucchini cut into stick with your favorite dip or in salads.
  • Cut into chunks add to summer soups and pasta sauce.
  • Grill thick slices for 3-4 minutes over hot coals, then 5-8 minutes on the side of the grill. Baste with marinade.
  • Sauté onions in butter or oil, add summer squash and sugar snap peas. Then top with parmesan cheese and serve over pasta.
  • Stuff patty pan squash with buttered fresh bread crumbs sautéed with garlic and fresh herbs. Heat through and serve.
  • To remove excess water and prevent soggy, cooked dishes: Lightly salt the grated or thinly sliced squash. Place in a colander and let stand for 30 minutes. Some water will exude during the resting period. Much more will come out when squeezed or patted with paper towels. If you wish, rinse to remove the salt.