Dear CSA Members,

Last evening we understand that the area where Noggins Sante is located was evacuated. We are are assuming this morning there will not be a pick up there today.

For those who got our email last night and messaged, your arrangements have been confirmed.

For those do did not get the email or are not in a position to even think about your CSA right now, we will hold them back here at the farm and make arrangements with you. I am hopeful for delivery on Friday.

Please email or call/text 9026703277 if you have any questions, directions or concerns.

Thinking of you,


UPDATE 7:17 AM: I understand now that Gary Martin had the evacuation rescinded. We are going to stick with the plan anyway because the truck leaves in a few minutes. No pick-up at Sante Today. For all those members who made arrangements with me last night, those plans are in effect.