An update on the farm, we are doing some clean up that we never have time to do around some of the houses. We are working on a couple of our greenhouses and getting them ready for the winter. We unfortunately had an unscheduled wind event that was stronger than Fiona and our farm had guests up to 120km/hour which is hurricane force winds so because of that we had some damage to our spinach tunnels that we had up. Luckily the day before we picked a bunch of spinach and put it inside but we didn’t take down down the tunnels because they were only forecasting guests of 68. The tunnels blew down and the tunnels themselves were flattened but the infrastructure and metal was fine so we put them back up but we didn’t put the plastic back on. We are probably going to get row cover and put it over the spinach. Row cover is a fabric that gives them some protection. We are trying something different with our brussels sprouts, instead of storing them in big bulk bins, we are going to put them in little crates. We are going to go over them a bit and pick all the bad ones off the stalk and store them on the stalk, hopefully they will last a little longer. Have a great weekend!

Veggie share:

  • Spinach
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Golden beets
  • Leeks
  • Parsnips
  • Kale
  • Napa

Meat share:

  • Chicken breast
  • Beef patties

Fruit share: