Veggie Share:
Sting Nettle
Crunchy Bean Sprouts
Pea Shoots

Meat share
Whole Chicken

Fruit share:

The start of the week was fantastic, we got peas, beans and corn planted. Then Thursday came and the clouds rolled in and until now have not gone away. With the corn, we plant in little grooves that we create with the planter, then we cover the grooves with Bio-degradable plastic to create a mini greenhouse to help increase the soil temperature to aid in germination so we all can enjoy corn end of July!! Unfortunately, we did not get the corn covered yet and it has been so damp and cold We are getting a little concerned that the seed might rot in the ground but Monday the sun will come out I hope. Also, it is critical time in the orchard and with the new leaves growing from the safety of the winter bud, they are susceptible to get a fungal disease on them called scab which can then pass on to the apple . This weather has created a long and heavy infection period with very little time to apply a protective spray on them, so when the weather breaks the apple farmers will be busy with sprayers protecting those apple for fall harvest. As you see, you are getting Sting nettle in your share, just dump it into a pot and boil it. I love it boiled and the strained, then with butter, vinegar and pepper, it also makes a great tea. So after you strain it you can drink the water as a very healthy tea. Have a great a week and happy eating
