So firstly, yesterday was mine and Patricia’s 22 nd wedding anniversary…:), Good Friday and the milk truck driver tasted something off in our milk and rejected it, therefore we had to dump 2600 L of milk down the drain. To say the least it was a different kind of day. We are still unsure why he tasted this flavor and still today we am trying to sort that out. The Dairy farm is presently own by Patricia’s Uncle and we are helping with his transition to retirement. Things on the farm are ramping up with each day. Today is warm and windy so this will help to dry the land out so Monday will hopefully be potato and carrot planting day. This past week we got Radish, beets, White turnips , more Radish, spinach, spicy greens mix and barley planted. Today was busy as well we harvest overwintered parsnip and Jerusalem Artichokes both for share. They both will add a bit of freshness to your meals, the overwinter parsnip will be much sweeter then the ones you have been getting that have spent the winter in the cooler. Hoping you have a great week…. Happy cooking!!! And please give us dry warm thoughts to get our seeds in the ground!!


Veggie share:
Jerusalem Artichokes
yellow potatoes
cucumbers (de hann Greenhouses)
Overwintered Parsnips

Pork Chops
Chicken Thighs

frozen strawberries
apple chips