veggie share:
peeled squashed
beans (Webster’s Farms)

meat share:
pork and lamb chops

Fruit shares;

Seeding update, leeks are planted, peppers are planted, celeriac is planted, thyme is planted, kale is planted, yellow and first planting of green onions are planted, swiss chard is planted and the Red Onions are next. Red onions have been difficult to grown but we will not give up cause they are so good. We are trying a new variety this year called Red Carpet ….:), fingers crossed. Speaking of onion production, because we have the opportunity to work with some great farmers from Jamaica, who also grow onions and a fun fact is they can not grow the same onions as in Nova Scotia, as we have to grow Long day onions because our summer days are so long.( so was that sentence) So if you tried to grow onions in Jamaica that we grow up here they will not bulb up in a day that is 6 am to 6;30 pm, so they need to grow a short day Onion, I think that is cool but I am farm nerd !!!!! HAVE A GREAT WEEK and please enjoy those beets.
