CSA Membership Guide

TapRoot Farms CSA Membership Guide


All of our registration is done through our website: Farm Shop – TapRoot Farms


You will receive one invoice with your total amount due. You can pay monthly, or quarterly, simply divide the total amount due by the number of months you will be paying over. We ask that you ensure payments are made on time and in advance of receiving your shares. If you will be late on a payment, please let us know.

Each month you will receive a statement of your account from our accounting software to keep you up to date on your account activity and amount due.

Payment options:

1) Email transfer to info@taprootfarms.ca. We are set up for automatic deposit but if you require a password use taproot.

2) RBC Bill Payment for RBC customers you can add TapRoot Farms as a payee. Use your order # as your account number.

3) Cheque to TapRoot Farms 1736 Church Street Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0.

4) PayPal at checkout you can pay in full for your share.

Pick Up

Your produce arrives in a box with a label, check the label on the box to ensure you take the correct share. If you are unsure, please ask one of the staff at your pickup location. Please do not rummage through or take any items out of the boxes, as someone else will miss out!

Bring along your own bag or box and leave the TapRoot box for us to bring back to the farm. You may take the box home with you but please bring it back the following week. At each delivery location, there is a list. Your name will be on the list for the location you are registered for. Please check your name off the list when you pick up.

Here’s a video that shows a quick demo of how to fold down the boxes.

Swap Box

At most of the pickup locations there is one swap box, it is first come first serve. The swap box will have items in it that you can swap. You are welcome to swap out anything you like for what is in the box. You can’t look through other people’s boxes to get what you want to swap out. When you use the swap box, please make sure it is the swap box that you are swapping with.

Missed Pickups

If you do not collect your share within the pick-up time posted on the website, it will be donated unless other arrangements have been made with Katelyn prior to this time or you may plan for someone else to pick up in your place.

Weather Events: What happens?

In the event of a winter storm, we will try to decide about deliveries as early as possible. Bottom line: we don’t want anyone to venture out if it is not safe. We will contact you via email, and post on our Facebook page with updates.

What if something in my share is spoiled? TapRoot’s Bad Apple Policy

You may find something in your box that is not up to par as far as quality goes. If you do, we ask that you take a picture of the culprit and email it to: csa@taprootfarms.ca with your name, delivery location, with the subject heading “Bad Apple.” The following week of delivery, we will send a replacement (of the same item, or something of equivalent value).

We need to know right away if there is a quality issue so that we can correct it as soon as possible. Bad Apple requests can only be honored within the week that they happen. We thank you for your help in keeping our quality up to standard!

What if something in my share is missing?

Occasionally it does happen that something is missing from your share box. Items on the list may change from day-to-day, depending on harvest and availability. If something is missing from your share, please email and let us know right away. Generally, we will send along the missing item the following week, and label your share with your name.

Purchasing Additional Products (Add-Ons)

Each week you will have the opportunity to add additional items to your CSA box delivery. You can do this by ordering from the CSA Add On’s section on our website. Place your order by Monday at 4:00PM for delivery with your share on Wednesday.

We have just created a add on section directly on our website. We will build on this as we move forward. Suggestions for items you would like to have access to are welcomed.

When are share contents posted?

Share contents will be posted on the blog – Blog – TapRoot Farms. We know that it is really helpful for a lot of you to know what will be coming in the shares ahead of getting them, so you can plan meals and supplement at the market on the weekends. So, we make sure share contents are posted on Friday for the week following.


We want to be accessible. You will receive updates in our email newsletter and blog (Blog – TapRoot Farms). We also post regularly on our Facebook page.

Our emails on the farm:

csa@taprootfarms.ca – For all CSA general inquiries, bad apple reports, recipe sharing, feedback, and suggestions. All things CSA please send them to us here here.

info@taprootfarms.ca – Send email money transfers here.

Your role communicating in the CSA

1) It is very important that you review the weekly newsletter for important information. If you are not receiving the newsletter, please let us know.

2) If you email or send a payment under a different name than your account is under, please be sure to let us know what account the email or payment is referring to. Otherwise, we can’t credit your account!

Cancelling your CSA shares

We ask that you first try to find someone to take over your share, ask a friend, coworker, or family member. Please communicate with the farm as soon as possible if you choose to stop your share for whatever reason.

Contact Us

(902) 542-3277

Mail: 1736 Church St. Port Williams, NS, B0P1T0

Enjoy weekly local produce year-round with our Community Shared Agriculture program

TapRoot Farms proudly supports women farmers through Farmers Helping Farmers.